AI Secretary
AI Driven Development (AI-First) - new paradigm in team organization and productivity and Cursor AI Best Practices
Sharing insights and experiences on topics I'm passionate about. Browse by category below to explore what interests you.
AI Driven Development (AI-First) - new paradigm in team organization and productivity and Cursor AI Best Practices
A comprehensive framework for building and managing AI agent systems
A guide to creating and managing effective multi-agent AI systems
A gamified approach to personal development and productivity
How to setup Google Ads API with PHP and get reports
I was finally able to pay off all my depts and saved almost 2 salaries
How to integrate Google Analytics App + Web and Firebase Analytics into Vue (Quasar)?
How I discovered Japanese budgeting system and implemented it in my app
List of helpfull articles to learn graphic design
List of activities to improve foreign language
Список активностей для изучения иностранного языка
A note about const in JavaScript, which is not a constant, but a way to solve some JavaScript problems related to block scopes.
Бумажный менеджмент проектов от Дэйва Сеа
What to do in Munich?
Русские группы и мероприятия
Reasons to use this messenger
Почему я использую Telegram
Небольшая проба пера
Una historia sobre los deseos y su cumplimiento
A story about desires and determination
История о желаниях и их исполнении
Six Thinking Hats is a system designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking
Cuban Salsa is a partner dance, where leader and follower create beautiful dance together
Few words and videos about happiness, hugs, improvisation and dance.
Небольшая заметка о переезде в Мюнхен из Харькова.